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Our publications examine legal and market developments and industry issues that could have an impact on our client`s business.

Date Title Author Practice Area
Dec, 2009 General analysis of Investment in Insurance Firms by the Commercial Banks Fred Hao, He Fen, Ma Zhaoping Insurance
Dec, 2009 Comments on the Administrative Measures for Trial Investment in Insurance Firms by the Commercial Banks Fred Hao, He Fen, Ma Zhaoping Insurance
Nov, 2009 The Merger Control Review of Offshore Acquisitions by MOFCOM He Jie, Sun Congkun Antitrust
Oct, 2009 The development of Bancassurance in China Fred Hao, He Fen Insurance
Jun, 2009 MOFCOM's Rejection of Coca-Cola's Proposed Acquisition of Huiyuan He Jie, Li Xin Antitrust
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