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Our publications examine legal and market developments and industry issues that could have an impact on our client`s business.

Date Title Author Practice Area
Dec, 2015 Brief Analysis of “Interim Measures for the Management of Government Investment Funds” Fred Hao, Liu Xiayi, He Yuting, Cui Ying Private Financing and Investment
Jan, 2015 An Analysis of the Latest Development and Regulation Guiding Funds Fred Hao, Liu Xiayi, Luo Xiaodan Private Financing and Investment
Dec, 2014 Interpretation of the Administrative Measures for Private Equity Crowd Funding Fred Hao, Liu Xiayi, Luo Xiaodan Private Financing and Investment
Dec, 2014 Brief Analysis of Matters Relating to the Investment in Venture Capital Funds with Insurance Funds Fred Hao, Liu Xiayi, Luo Xiaodan Private Financing and Investment
Oct, 2014 The Trend of Supervision and Legal Risks of Internet Finance Fred Hao, Liu Xiayi, Yang Chengguan Financial Regulations
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