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Our publications examine legal and market developments and industry issues that could have an impact on our client`s business.

Date Title Author Practice Area
Apr, 2016 Brief Analysis of "Administrative Measures for the Raising of Private Investment Funds” Fred Hao, Liu Xiayi, He Yuting, Cui ying Private Financing and Investment
Mar, 2016 Current Trends of Registration Rules for Private Equity Fund Managers in China Fred Hao,Liu Xiayi,He Yuting,Cui Ying Private Financing and Investment
Mar, 2016 Brief Analysis of the Revision to the Interim Administrative Measures for the Use of Insurance Funds (for Public Consideration) Fred Hao, Liu Xiayi, He Yuting, Cui Ying Insurance
Feb, 2016 A Brief Analysis of the Guidelines on Internal Control of Private Investment Fund Managers Fred Hao,Liu Xiayi,He Yuting,Cui Ying Private Financing and Investment
Dec, 2015 A Brief Analysis of the New Rules of Private Investment Fund Raising Behavior and Contract Guidelines Fred Hao,Liu Xiayi,He Yuting,Cui Ying Private Financing and Investment
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