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Kejie Advised Join-Hope on its Series A Investment in Mioji

April 30, 2015

Mioji obtained 6 million dollars investments on its series A financing from Join-Hope and Morningside Venture Capital.

Mioji is the first domestic engine that provides individualized traveling routes based on artificial intelligence technology.  It is able to produce foreign traveling routes for clients in seconds by utilizing big data and intelligent technology.  The website and APP of Mioji has been online since the early 2015.

The legal service Kejie provided for Join-Hope on its series A investment in Mioji includes, among others, (i) conducting legal due diligence investigation; (ii) drafting and revising the transaction documents; (iii) participating in the commercial and legal negotiations.

Kejie team was led by partner Fred Hao and included Liu Xiayi, Yang Chengguan and Luo Xiaodan.

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