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Kejie Advised on the Establishment of Beijing Integrated Circuit Industry Development Equity Investment Fund(RMB 30 Billion)

December 08, 2014

Kejie advised on the establishment of Beijing Integrated Circuit Industry Development Equity Investment Fund.

In order to further implement the “National New Strategic Industry Development Plan”, foster all industrial chains of integrated circuit industry and accelerate overall integrated circuit industrial upgrading, National Development and Reform Commission of PRC, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC and Beijing Municipal Government jointly established Beijing Integrated Circuit Industry Development Equity Investment Fund, which will invest in a number of backbone enterprises, significant projects and innovative entities/platforms in Beijing and even national integrated circuit industry, accelerate resources integration and enterprises M&A by capital model, further optimize industrial development environment, rapidly improve the overall industrial competitiveness, and create the integrated circuit industry growth pole in North China.

The total scale of Beijing Integrated Circuit Industry Development Equity Investment Fund is RMB 30 billion, with a mode of FOF and Sub-funds (1+N), establishing 1 FOF and several Sub-funds.

The legal service Kejie provided for this fund establishment includes, among others, (i) drafting and revising fund establishment documents; (ii) participating in fund establishment negotiations; (iii) providing counseling on related legal issues.

Kejie team was led by partner Fred Hao and included Zhang Jingjing and Liu Xiayi.

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